The Guided Growth Plate,or eight-Plate System temporarily restrain growth on one side of the bone plate while natural growth is allowed to continue on the opposite side. Gradually over time, typically from several months up to one year,the deformity is corrected.



Pediatric Eight Plate


1.The screw length should not be too long or short.Generally not beyond the midline of bone.
2.The surgical incision is 2cm,to avoid hurting the epiphyseal panel.
3.Regular follow -up after surgery:every 3 months,and X-ray monitor bone growth until epiphyseal panel is closed.
4.Repeat surgery when necessary.Most correction time does not exceed 1 year.Remove 8-plate when bone return to normal growth.
5.Use a specialized screw,cannot use locking screw or cancellous screw.
6.Anatomic type 8-plate,no shaping.4-hole 8-plate is for obesity.
7.Contraindication: closed epiphyses; physiological curvature; mature bone growth.